Donation for classical Accordion

Donation for classical Accordion | Spenden sammeln

I am an accordion student at the Graz University of Music and I would be most grateful if you could help me with a financial donation, so that I will be able to purchase a much-needed concert instrument – a classical accordion.

I was born on 21 October 1996 in Murska Sobota, Slovenia. I attended Bakovci Primary School, where I was a straight A student during the entire nine-year period of my primary school. In Year 9, I was detected as a gifted and talented student. In 2005, I started attending the Murska Sobota Music School where I was actively engaged in different school activities by participating in various national and international music competitions and by taking part in numerous events, festivals, concerts, and music performances. 

After leaving primary school, I continued my education at the Celje First Grammar School - Art Programme. My music teacher was an assistant professor, Mr. Luka Juhart, PhD. While in grammar school, I was granted numerous awards and rewards for creating a great cultural atmosphere in our school, my competition achievements, and for being a hard-working student. I was also awarded Zois scholarship which is granted to gifted Slovenian students with outstanding artistic or intellectual achievements. 

I have won multiple prizes at various national and international music competitions involving numerous contestants from various different countries. 

In 2015, after passing my entrance exam with distinction (cum laude), I was admitted to the world-renowned University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz. I am currently studying under the mentorship of Mr. MuM. Janne Rättyä who is considered one of the greatest accordionists in the world. I play chamber music (, classical music, and popular music. Besides, I am also a member of some prominent orchestras and ensembles playing contemporary, old, ethno-jazz, and film music. I am also involved in various tango projects and workshops ( 

I am improving my music skills by taking an active part in different activities outside my studies. I perform in concerts at various foreign and Slovenian festivals, and I regularly attend international seminars given by some most prominent artists in the world such as: Veli Kujala, Krassimir Sterev, Luka Juhart, Iñaki Alberdi, Mie Miki, Frode Haltli, Matti Rantanen, Vincent Lhermet and others. 

This year, I won a scholarship for talented students awarded by the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. I was granted this scholarship on the basis of my outstanding academic grades (GPA 10) and my exceptional achievements at international music competitions. 

Studying abroad represents a huge financial burden for me and my family. Due to the constant struggle to stay financially afloat, I cannot afford to buy my own accordion, therefore I am forced to rent it from the Graz University of Music. Unfortunately, in the future this will not be possible anymore, and I will have to return the musical instrument I am currently renting. Consequently, I will have to buy my own accordion, either new or a used one. An accordion that shall be suitable for my professional needs, meeting the minimum standards which are essentially vital for studying classical music, shall cost between EUR 15.000,00 (a used instrument, 10 years old) and EUR 24.000,00 (a brand new instrument) - .

These sums are basically impossible for me to obtain without any external funding. Therefore, I would be truly grateful if you could support me with your financial donation which shall help me accomplish my future projects and goals. Your financial contribution shall also render possible my worry-free schooling and contribute to creating and disseminating quality classical music. I am a member of the accordion orchestra in Murska Sobota and a co-organiser of the international accordion competition Pannoniaccordion, which is attended by an average of around 400 competitors from at least 8 different countries ( 

€ 100 gesammelt
Ziel: € 5.000 • 1 Spende

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