Cats of Gouves Crete

Cats of Gouves Crete | Spenden sammeln

Years ago i came the first time to Crete. One friend of me was always feeding some cats in Hersonissos. There was a cat which gave birth to four kitten. One became ill and i took it to Germany. I was so shocked by the suffering and starving cats there. There were so many especially kitten, ill and hungry.

So i decided to help them and to give the chance of a better life and not to close my eyes. The most important thing to stop the overpopulation and the suffering of the voiceless is TRN...trap, neuter, return. So the time i am there i try to neuter as many cats as possible and bring injured ones to the vet.

I help the voiceless from near and far through all year with food and medicaments and with the help of my friend. I get no donations yet, i pay all on my own because my friend gets no pension.

After years i need help with donations like every rescuer. I do not like to ask but i must to help as many animals as possible.

Me and the cats are very thankful for your help. Every little donation counts.

CATS OF GOUVES is my Page on Facebook.

€ 280 gesammelt
Ziel: € 600 • 3 Spenden

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