Best life for my wife

Best life for my wife | Spenden sammeln


My name is Maxim. I am currently 22 years old, married, and a citizen of the Republic of Latvia. My hometown is Daugavpils.

I lived in the Republic of Latvia until 2024. In June 2024, I went to my beloved in the Russian Federation. As of December 20, 2024, I am in Russia, in the city of Novokuznetsk.

Due to the fact that my beloved is a citizen of Russia, it was decided to go to her for the purpose of marriage and cohabitation.

My wife and I were planning to move to my homeland, the Republic of Latvia.

Due to a number of problems with documents and money transfers, we found ourselves in a very difficult life situation.

We currently have difficult financial problems.

Debts, loan arrears, no money for rent, no money to move to Latvia.

I cannot work officially. 

They do not give me loans, they do not give me a loan secured by real estate. It is not possible to borrow from friends or relatives. 

At the moment, I am trying to find at least some solution to my problems. 

I need funds to solve all current problems, which I am not able to collect on my own. Almost everyone refuses to help me. 

In search of possible solutions to the problems, I turned to a lawyer and a bank, but everywhere I was refused any help. 

I decided to try to contact charitable foundations in order to try to raise funds for a trip to my homeland.

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